I know this is such a "shit girls say" kind of thing but seriously, HOW is it 2013 already? I feel like it was just Christmas last year! Looking back, I can say that 2012 was good to me. A little bit of a boring year but that's not always a bad thing. :) There were several things that I wanted to "do" in 2012 and I think I'm at like 50%. Let's see... How did I do in 2012?
1. Finish grad school - CHECK
2. Go to church more - Meh, this was like 50/50. I did go more often than usual but not as often as I'd like.
3. Get a better job - Oh this is a frustrating one. I've sent out more resumes than I care to admit, had several promising interviews, and even had a lowball offer. I wish I was made of money so I could have taken it. Sadly, not the case. I feel like I need to do something different but I'm not quite sure what yet.
4. Get in better shape - I think I can call this a success. I ran a 5k in November and while I am by no means, a runner, if you had told me in January that I would be running 3 miles straight before the end of the year, I'd have offered you another cookie.
5. Do more for "me" - Another win here. I have gotten more pedicures, baked lots of yummies, gone to the gym, started running, spent time with my family, decorated my house, and spent time with friends. And read many, many wonderful books.
So that's 3/5 at least. Maybe closer to like 3.5/5? So...70% success rate according to my trusty calculator. Not too shabby, no?
No worries, I have a list for 2013 too. Stay tuned. Since you're so interested in my fabulous daily life and all. ;)
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