Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1 update

I need to hold myself accountable for my Shit I'd Like to Happen in 2012. Let's review week 1:

1. Graduate - nothing really. Registration for the semester is taken care of. Otherwise, I'm still on break.

2. Church - 2-0 on this one!

3. New job - paid my registration for a meeting at the end of the month (it's with my professional organization and has a lot of networking opportunities).

4. Get pregnant - bought prenatal vitamins*

5. Feel better - downloaded couch to 5k app and walked with the girl in her stroller (and the spastic dog). Did not eat ice cream on Sat night. That's rare.

6. Me time - started another book (The Book Thief) and baked cookies for my friend's son's birthday party (they are sofaking cute) and baked an apple pie FROM SCRATCH (snap, snap, what?!)

I probably should have posted this on Friday. Oh well.

*I am not fucking pregnant yet. Jesus.

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